Is Branding Yourself Important To Empower Network Success?

By Howe Russell

One of the things which stands out about Empower Network is the number of affiliates who are not effectively branding themselves and, as a result, not getting any success with their business. In our post today we shall explain the importance and simplicity of building your brand.

It doesn't matter what networking skills you have or the quality of a sales pitch you can put together. The biggest test in becoming your own boss will be mental.

We seem to operate differently with an online program to the way we'd operate if we opened our own business in the real world. If you took the time to put together a business idea and opened a store or clothing line in your local area your first thought would be about the power of establishing your product or brand name.

It makes perfect business sense but for some reason that mentality often doesn't translate across to those trying to do the same thing on the internet. Regardless of whether you are trying to make money online or offline, you need to be able to stand out from the pack you put yourself into. Most people don't realize that owning their own business comes down to mentality more than skill.

If you ask somebody to explain why they like the idea of building an income from home on the internet their list of answers will more than likely include the fact that it doesn't require any qualifications to succeed. Anybody can do it, so they say. The reason most people do not realize that success is because even though they possess the skills to reach success they don't have the drive to work hard enough on their business.

We cannot overestimate the importance of establishing your name. Whatever your chosen field is, from fitness to fast food, from computers lessons to parental advice, if you want to stand out in your crowd you need to pay very close attention to the importance of branding your name as an expert in your field. []

For example, why are Pepsi and Coca-Cola the most popular names in their field? Is it because they are everybody's favorite cola drink? No, of course not. That's a matter for personal taste and everybody is different in that respect. The reason they're the first names which come to mind is because they are far more established as brands than anyone else in their chosen market.

This isn't just specific to that niche, it happens everywhere else too. In a recent survey where 2000 people were asked to name the world's most famous football player an astonishing 60% said David Beckham. Despite the fact that he's not considered the world's best player and is almost 40 years old, David Beckham is still one of the most popular players in worldwide football and once again this shows the power of building your brand.

One of the most massive mistakes affiliate marketers make is to talk purely about their opportunity and not enough about themselves. Your chosen online business may change over time, it's important to gather your own following for this reason among others.

I've often encountered situations where affiliates have discovered certain programs with a website or video designed by an affiliate showing the various benefits to their business and, once they have been sold on the idea and wish to join themselves, they head off to find a suitable sponsor. Why didn't they just join from that original page? Because the person who put it together did not connect with them on a personal level at all. People do indeed join people they can associate with.

By removing themselves from the picture, that person lost potential business. Remember, people join people. Your name is your brand and that is your most powerful tool in becoming your own boss. Ultimately your skill takes a back seat. You could have a ton of knowledge in a particular field but if you don't get out there and lay the ground work to become recognized you'll be lost in the mix.

The reason so many people fail in businesses like Empower Network while others seem to find it easy to make money online with the exact same business model comes down to what they do to build their business. Personal branding power is not to be underestimated.

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