A Look At The Effectiveness The Ultrasonic Pest Control Devices

By Lila Barry

There are numerous numbers of gadgets that people consider as the best, easier and safer ways to control pests invading their homes. Ultrasonic pest control devices are marketed and through the internet and magazines. This has made it easier for people who need these gadgets able to get it through the internet. Many individuals have made inquiries and calling just to know how effective these gadget works.

This use of ultrahigh sound waves with high frequency enables it to chase way bats, rodents, birds and a pests like cockroaches, fleas spiders. Most are plugged in into electrical outlets there are the ones which use battery models that are flea-repellents sized cards and mosquitoes repellents they are differing prices some that are cheap and others that are expensive.

These devices are electronic. They are simply plugged into an electrical outlet to start working while some can also run on batteries. You can know when the gadgets are working since they show a red light when transmitting the ultrasonic sounds.

When using the ultrasonic insect control gadgets it is advisable that you use a separate gadget for each room that you want to keep pest free. This is so because these devices have a limited range. Some have a range of 30 feet but furniture and walls may interfere with the transmission of the sound waves. However, some companies claim that their devices work for a whole floor of a house.

You can find these gadgets in some hardware stores. Also some companies have posted the devices online and hence you can purchase them online. Their prices vary depending on the unit you purchase and the range of the transmission.

The frequently asked question is whether the electronic pest control really works. Well, some people report to have used them with good success. However scientific studies show that the devices do not really work. Entomologists claim that high pitched sound emitted by these devices cannot be heard by some crawly pests and therefore cannot deter them. Scientists concluded these devices work well when combined with other old fashioned standards like the glue strap. The ultrasonic sounds emitted by these gadgets can keep away the pests for a few days giving you time to seal holes that the rodents use to enter your home. They can also repel the pests pushing them to the old standard traps in search for a comfortable place to hide.

Ultrasonic Repellent sends sound waves of high frequency that only keeps rodents and insects 1000 feet from the unit in most cases there arises a need to use environmentally friendly gadgets to keep away insect and other rodents . This is because some of the devices used to keep away these rodents are harmful to the environment.

It has been noticed with great concern that the pets are affected by the vibrations from these gadgets. The sounds emitted from these devises affect the pets era and therefore brings a side effect that affects the pets therefore the use of ultrasonic pest control is not recommended instead people should use the trap and board ways to keep away pests and rodents because they are cheap and also environmentally friendly. Owners who have used such devices have been thrilled by these effects and have come to a concrete conclusion that the use of board and tray traps are simply the best.

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