The Three Most Common Mistakes In Becoming Your Own Boss

By Russ Howe

Before you attempt to make money online take a moment to look at the statistics. Over 90% of people who try to become their own boss via the internet fail to see any results. Today we'll run through why this happens.

When it comes to online business there are many misunderstandings. The majority of people tend to fall into one of two very different categories. Either they believe everything online is a scam, or they believe that they can change their financial future for doing barely any work. Neither is true.

Take a look at those who are achieving results and you may well be surprised to discover that they are not internet guru types. They tend to be regular people, quite similar to those who complain they can't get any results, but they have a few major differences in the way they treat their business. The actual business itself doesn't even matter. It could be Mary Kay, Empower Network or any other established affiliate program. If you get the basic rules in place, you tend to see better results. []

If you put two people from a similar background into an online business you would probably find that one person would enjoy more success than the other. Quite simply it does not matter where you come from or how much money you have. It's about where you're going and how hard you are prepared to work in order to get there. Three things will determine this.

* Setting up a short-term and a long-term goal.

* Your attitude can be your best friend or your worst enemy.

* Persistence is the key to travelling the road to your long-term goal.

If you can master the three points above then you are on the right road to make any business successful. We'll take a quick look at each point and explain why most people in affiliate programs on the internet get them slightly wrong, causing them to fail in their attempt to work from home.

The first step is setting out a business plan. One of the beautiful things about working online is that you can join an affiliate program which doesn't require any 'ground work' on your part. The company is more than likely already established and you are dealing with what is essentially a ready-made home based business. This can also be a negative, however, as lost people people don't take their opportunity seriously. If you don't set out a long-term plan you won't reach success. This is the first rule of going into business for yourself.

The second principle is based upon your attitude. Anybody can join an affiliate program but not everyone is cut out to become their own boss. Most businesses fail in the high street for this reason. There will be testing times ahead and if you are naturally a 'glass half empty' sort of person then you will find things hard.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, is your work ethic. In order to change your financial life you need to set out a plan and then work at it whenever you can. Otherwise your plan will not materialize. The difference between a dream and reality is work ethic. You should be actively looking to grow your business whenever and wherever you can.

It's not easy to make money online and one of the main things holding many people back is this false belief that everything is just going to happen for them. If you want to get sustainable results from your opportunity or affiliate program you simply need to start thinking with the mindset of somebody who is trying to become their own boss, rather than someone who is hoping to get lucky.

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